A ridiculous amount of build up to this arc, many many characters introduced and a shit ton of good fights.
The final arc in the series The Universal Survival Arc was hyped up as it was hyped up to be a bigger and crazier version of the Universe 6 arc with it's one threat of the multiple universe at stake even though I was technically on a bigger scale of threat compared to the Future Trunks arc I guess since there was so many light heard and joky moments during this arc I never took it too massively serious. Majority of this arc I felt keep it up with the standards that I remember back in the Z days. The execution in this arc I felt was quite good also even though there were a few short comings like the reveal of who Goku Black actually was and the who scheme behind it. The Future Trunks Arc after this was probably in my opinion the best arc in the entire series as it was the only time I personally felt the gave me the nostalgic feeling of actual threat to the characters and story. The story for this arc was decent and acceptable also especially with the ending introducing Zeno and revealing an even greater force to be reckoned with giving the series promise to where it would go next. Although there were a few fights that were good like the Goku vs Hit fight majority of them fell short of what I and majority of the people I talked to after this arc was over expected. The Universe 6 Arc is when the series starts some new worth watching content as we get brand new characters.

A few changes like Ginyu making an appearance but nothing significant enough for anyone to say Toei did a better job the second time around with these to arcs in comparison to the movies. Giving us the rehashed and in my opinion an overall inferior version of the Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F', so many were quickly turned off during these two starting arcs and I don't blame them as it has some of the worse art style and animation the series had to offer regardless of the excuses or reasons of it looking the way they did, it should not have been released like that. But in my opinion at least it never gets to the point where it's completely brain dead stupid that I feel like my intelligence is being directly insulted (like Fairy Tail for example yes shots fired but no one is defending that anime's story anyway). We all know Akira Toriyama is far from the best when it comes to this department so I never go in looking to have my mind blown by it. If you are looking for a great story in Dragon Ball (past the pre-DBZ stuff) in 2018 you are doing it wrong. If you grew up with Dragon Ball or have watched Dragon Ball Z as a kid or early teens, then you will probably enjoy this series! I think we can all agree the writing is very bad but the action is absolutely amazing.

I think it is simply nostalgia surrounding the dragon ball franchise for me that makes you just can't help but want to watch it and enjoy it. But at the end of the day, it is just more Dragon Ball Z. The OSTs and intros are also very nostalgic. However, after those two arcs, the animation gets noticeably better. While the animation can occasionally dip into the inexcusable category (I'm looking at you, episode 5 and over half of Golden Frieza arc), the show is never able to dissuade you from watching it due to the action and nostalgia. The first two arcs were basically retelling the movies Battle of Gods and Resurrection F. Now there are a few problems with it right at the start. The series is also able to incorporate effective drama and genuinely hilarious comedy into its story, the most noteworthy being the action and pure fighting that is reminiscent of Dragon Ball Z.

Something that Super has incorporated in this show that sets it apart from Z is character development. New elements and characters are introduced such as the Gods. The story is quite similar to Z as we see our hero Goku progressively meeting stronger foes and the I was hooked, and my knowledge of the series was immense.ĭragon Ball Super is the continuation and sequel of Dragon Ball Z. The more I'd aged, the more I grew to love Dragon Ball. Though I was perhaps too young to understand it, as I got older, I'd eventually move onto Dragon Ball Z. I was just an four year old boy when I first had the pleasure of witnessing Dragon Ball on TV. Dragon Ball is and probably always will be my favorite series.